Book 1: Matthew

The main teaching of the book Matthew (‘al-Moti’) is that Hozrot Isa al-Mosi is a king. He is Holy Allah’s appointed king. Coming into this world he invited people to believe in him. Those who believe in him will be Allah’s new people. They will be called Allah’s subjects or people of the heavenly kingdom, and Hozrot Isa al-Mosi is lord of this kingdom. Holy Allah appointed him so that he might judge all the people of the world on Resurrection Day.

When we read this al-Moti book, we find a detailed account of all Hozrot Isa’s important teaching. We learn about his birth, and we get the testimony of Hozrot Yusuf his earthly father, that is, the husband of Lady Moriom (pbuh). In this book we also learn about his work, how he spent his life, and from where he got his powers. We also see how the words of Allah revealed in the Holy Tourat and Zobur Shorif to prophets Hozrot Musa (pbuh) and Hozrot Daud (pbuh), as well as to many other prophets and messengers, were all fulfilled in Hozrot Isa al-Mosi.

In al-Moti chapter 5 verses 17 and 20 Hozrot Isa says, “Don’t think I have come to annul the Tourat and the books of the prophets. I have actually come not to annul, but rather to fulfil them. Listen, I say to you, unless your conduct is better than the conduct of the moulanas and theologians, then you will by no means be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

And in chapter 11 verses 28-30 Hozrot Isa says, “All you who have become weary always bearing heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Lift my yoke onto your shoulders and take instruction from me, then you will have rest. Taking my yoke is easy, and the burden I give is very light. My nature is very gentle and calm.”

This portion was written according to Holy Allah’s command by Hozrot Isa al-Mosi’s Companion Hozrot Moti (r.a.). Before believing in Hozrot Isa he was a tax collector. He would take taxes from people and hand them over to the Roman government. When Hozrot Isa called him to faith he believed and became a follower of Isa al-Mosi. And about 25-35 years after Hozrot Isa was taken to heaven he wrote this portion as a book.
