Book 4: John
The main teaching of the book of John ('al-Hannan') is that Hozrot Isa al-Mosi is Allah’s word, or Kalimatullah. That word is the speech or voice of Allah himself, by which the birth of the whole universe came about. By the will of Allah that word received a human form, and as a person came into the world. Hozrot Isa is Allah’s word; through this statement we may understand that only through him can we obtain genuine communion or personal acquaintance with Allah.
We may also see that Hozrot Isa came into the world and performed many miracles and supernatural deeds. Detailed accounts of seven of those special miracles which serve as signs or indications have been made in this book and from these it can be understood that the words spoken by Hozrot Isa al-Mosi are Allah’s Words, his deeds are Allah’s deeds.
In chapter 20 and verse 31of this book we read, “Only these events have been written, that having read them you may believe that Hozrot Isa is that al-Mosi promised by Allah, he is Ibnullah, Allah’s own special beloved person, and that having believed, you may obtain eternal life through Him.” (The meaning of the names and titles ‘al-Mosi’, ‘Ibnullah’, and ‘Allah’s own special beloved person’, are detailed in the section named ‘Kitab Shutro’.)
In this book Hozrot Isa calls himself by seven special mysterious names. Those seven names are: I myself am the bread of life; I myself am the world’s light/splendour; I myself am the door; I myself am the genuine shepherd; I myself am Resurrection and life; I myself am the way, the truth and the life; and, I myself am the true vine. By these mysterious names it can be understood that only by means of him can communion with Allah be found. Only he is the rescuer, the saviour of the world, who frees the human race from the grip of Iblis.
Hozrot Hannan (r.a.) wrote this book at Allah’s command. He was one of Hozrot Isa al-Mosi’s 12 Companions. This book was written in book form about 40-50 years after Hozrot Isa went from the world to heaven.