Listen Online

Listen to the Holy Injil - a collection of 27 books revealed by the Spirit of Isa-al-Mosi to His Companions. Listen to the accounts of the life, teachings and miracles of Hozrot Isa-al-Mosi, and listen to the teachings given to some of Hozrot Isa-al-Mosi's Companions after He ascended into heaven.

Audio of the Sylheti translation is available wth phrase by phrase highlighting of the text. Click on one of the images below to choose which script you would like to follow while you listen online  (Bengali script, Nagri script, or Latin script).

Bengali script

Nagri script

Latin script

Listen on the App

You can also download and listen to the Holy Injil on the 'Sylheti Bashae Asmani Kitab' app, available for Android and iOS devices.

In addition to phrase by phrase highlighting of the Sylheti text, the app enables you to slow down or speed up the audio playback (from 0.4x to 1.6x).

Click on one of the links below to download.

Download MP3s

Alternatively, click here to listen to or download MP3 files of specific chapters from all 27 books of the Holy Injil.


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